____  _ ____ ____ ______ ____  
|___ \| |___ \___ \____  |___ \ 
  __) | | __) |__) |  / /  __) |
 |__ <| ||__ <|__ <  / /  |__ < 
 ___) | |___) |__) |/ /   ___) |
|____/|_|____/____//_/   |____/ 

i pwn all thats all u need to know.

Thursday, April 19, 2007


Thought this might come in handy for a few out there its a wait interval all you need to do is copy and paste this code sniplit into your timeline to get to work.

check the trace commands in the output panel for examples,

code definitions:

when the handle has been called 'waitXcall', sets a timer of 4 seconds '4*1000' then calls the interval waitX which then clears of the timer has depleted displaying the trace/goto frame.

----- code starts -----

trace('waitX here \nWaitX by 1NF3C710N.');
waitX = function(){
trace('waitX complete, gogogo');
waitXcall = setInterval(waitX, 4*1000); //set the viable 4 higher value to wait longer.

----- code ends -----

/out. v

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