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i pwn all thats all u need to know.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

// London Zombie Walk 2007

Calling all Zombies - World record zombie walk attempt!
Meeting place 9:30 in Leicester Square, 27 August 2007. On hand will be several professional make-up artists, to set together any mangled zombies. Bring all your mates time to make zombie history! ... The current world record is Pittsburgh, USA (2006) at a total of 894. After the walk meetup at Odeon West End Cinema, Leicester Square at 10:30am to feast on the screening of THE ZOMBIE DIARIES, at this year's FrightFest horror festival.

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An email from the zombie walk peeps!

Hey all...

Firstly - thanks for registering on The Zombie Diaries website with an interest in our World Record Zombie Walk attempt.

We're all good to go now - it's all been officially approved, and the full team is in place. The word is spreading (a nice piece in The London Paper this week, and there will be ads in Friday's Metro and London Lite), so it's about time to spread the full details.

We really want to achieve the world's biggest gathering of zombies with this and really put Film4 FrightFest and The Zombie Diaries on the global map. Yes, it is early in the morning, but how good would it be to take part in a World Record breaking zombie march first thing on the Bank Holiday Monday! (-;

Contrary to what The London Paper stated, we are asking most people to turn up with their own make-up. There will be make-up artists there (from The Zombie Diaries and Shaun of the Dead) during the event, but they are there mostly for creating a small core of ‘professional’ looking zombies, although they will be free to mingle and touch-up the rest of the masses (oo-er!) after they’re finished with their main members of the undead.

So, please feel free to be as subtle, or as extravagant with your outfit / make-up as you like. If you want to dress up and really go to town, brilliant, but if you want to keep it simple and just have a spot of face paint and blood, or even just wear a zombie mask, then that's fine too.

There are make-up guidelines all over the web (www.terror4fun.com or www.fleshmob.co.uk for instance), but you can keep it very simple with a tube of white face, a tube of black face paint (go easy with this though) and a tube of blood. Keep the costs simple if you like, by pitching in for these things in a group, and help each other apply in the morning.

The public facilities at Leicester Square are clean and are open 24 hours, so feel free to smear make-up on when you arrive.

As for clothes, old clothes with a tear or two and some blood on are brilliant. Fancy dress (paramedics? Hari Krishnas?) even better. Or just wear normal clothes - it's all ok.

So, here's the full schedule.

8am - Gates to Leicester Square Gardens will open and we'll have classic zombie tunes (courtesy of Zomblee from www.eatmybrains.com - think more Goblin than Cranberries) playing in the background on the sound system. There will be one or two 'indie' filmmakers there from the off filming arrivals in a hopefully 'less than busy' Square which could look pretty cool.

9-9.30am - Professional make-up artists (including the Zombie Diaries crew and Stuart Conran from Shaun of the Dead) will finish the make-up for our select professional zombies / guests, and will start to mingle with the crowd for touch-up make-up.

9.25am - Mamma's Kittens Grotesque Burlesque Zombies (provided by www.themonstercompany.co.uk) to arrive in the square. (-;

9.30am - The official head count and photo call. This is the core of the whole event, so we really need all people who are coming for this to be inside the Leicester Square Gardens at this point. Several of the cast and crew will arrive at this time.

9.45am-10.45am - 'Zombies' are free to wander around the square, interacting with the indie filmmakers present, or making themselves available to press photographers and TV crews.

Alternatively, you can also leave the gathering at this time and remove make-up if you want to, leaving plenty of time to clean up before the screening of The Zombie Diaries at the Odeon West End if that's what you'd prefer. We will be providing non-perfumed wet-wipes if you need them.

10.45am - Screening of the film. We will have free ‘I survived the Zombie Walk World Record’ T-shirts for all cinema ticket holders.

If you haven’t yet booked your ticket to the screening of The Zombie Diaries, please visit the online Odeon booking system below, or visit www.frightfest.co.uk for details on how to make telephone bookings.


If you're not attending the screening, then feel free to hang around in the square afterwards until the FF crowd re-emerge and then head for a well-deserved pint at a suitable pub, or maybe even form a crowd of like-minded zombies and head off to Notting Hill Carnival to spread the undead word...!

Again – thanks for all your interest so far, and I hope to see you all there on the day!


The World Record Zombie Walk Team

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Blogger Brian Kramer said...

Your e-mail doesn't seem to work... could you contact me at subsoap@gmail.com if you're willing to answer some flash related questions?

August 15, 2007 at 1:58 AM  

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