____  _ ____ ____ ______ ____  
|___ \| |___ \___ \____  |___ \ 
  __) | | __) |__) |  / /  __) |
 |__ <| ||__ <|__ <  / /  |__ < 
 ___) | |___) |__) |/ /   ___) |
|____/|_|____/____//_/   |____/ 

i pwn all thats all u need to know.

Monday, April 23, 2007


This is a randomizer script once the function has been called it randomly selects a value between 1-3 then runs an if statement to detect which variable has been generated then calls the action in this case outputs it into a trace command.

function ranX(){
ranXmath = Math.round((Math.random()*2)+1);
if(ranXmath == '1'){
trace('ran1 selected')
if(ranXmath == '2'){
trace('ran2 selected')
if(ranXmath == '3'){
trace('ran3 selected')

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