It was a write up i did for Eyeblaster Newsletter a whle back using there sync components, i thought i'd just document it:
Our new synchronized ads allow multiple adverts to interact on the same page. The ads can be setup easily through the eyeblasterwiz platform. Below is a brief guide to getting started.
A quick guide to set up
You will need to download the latest Eyeblaster Extension Package, to make sure you have all the latest components & add the ‘Eyeblaster security include' on the first frame (#include "").
01: Component – In your components list under Eyeblaster add the component named “EbAdMessaging” to the timeline on frame 2 and call it “adMessenger”.
02: Recognise - Making the system aware which banners are synchronized on the same campaign or linked on the backend. Adding this ActionScript on the third frame; adMessenger.register("firstBanner"); & adding “secondBanner” on the other creative as the alternative or so forth.
03: Connecting – To synchronize creatives you will need a function on the first frame under the security include, add this ActionScript:
function secoundBannerHandler(secondBanner_changer){
Then add this script anywhere on the timeline to interact with the other synchronized format “secondBanner”:
_root.adMessenger.sendEvent("secondBanner", "B2copyend", 1);
This command loads the function/handler which has been defined on the first frame on ‘firstBanner' which calls the function gotoAndPlay command on your “secondBanner” (make sure you add the same Components/Security/ActionScript/functions in the same order on the “secondBanner”).
Click here to view the first ever synchronized format to be made on the system.
The banner above was the first real sync advert to run on there system using there components, which i designed and syn'd was a fun project.
They have some new (v.2) ones out might write a bit of info here about it then i get a chance.
Labels: components, eyeblaster, sync, Synchronization